Monday, July 21, 2008

First blog in the life

This will be my first blog in my life. Hope that will be a good fun.


tiffany said...

Congrats. It is sure is going to be an experience learning all this new technology.

NSL Training Support Team said...

Welcome to blogging snowberry. You will be an expert by the end of the programme! Enjoy the experience!

The love of life said...

Hi Snowberry. I chose you by name this afternoon as i am very cold and it feels as there is snow in the air. Its jolly cold.!! Back to the point of this blog...Its great being able to use so many social applications and formats to communicate but I still prefer face to face communication when possible.One great thing about emails is the immediacy of communication. Regardless of the format or type of technology utilised it would be paramount to consider privacy and security of whatever is done.

snowberry said...

Thank you for your encouragement. I am really appreciate. "Snomberry" is from the film of Sound of Music. I like the songs and could sing it when I was only five years old.